UFS and EPIC Coastal and Ocean Modeling Town Hall at the AGU Ocean Sciences 2022 Meeting

NOAA Unified Forecast System (UFS) and Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) Coastal and Ocean Modeling Town Hall at the AGU Ocean Sciences 2022 Meeting

2/24/2022, 4:00 PM-6:00 PM ET

Lead Organizer: Jose-Henrique Alves, EPIC Program, WPO, NOAA Research (henrique.alves@noaa.gov)

Co-Organizer: Jessica Meixner, UFS Marine WG (jessica.meixner@noaa.gov), Maoyi Huang, EPIC (maoyi.huang@noaa.gov), Shachak Peeri, UFS Coastal WG (shachak.peeri@noaa.gov)

The Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) was created to accelerate the development of the U.S. numerical weather prediction systems up to the subseasonal to seasonal scales, supporting NOAA’s mission of serving society. EPIC is designed to sustain and foster the collaborative work being done by participating members of the Unified Forecast System (UFS). The UFS is a community-based, coupled, comprehensive Earth modeling system, aimed at providing skillful, actionable predictions on timescales out to two years. Its development involves a powerful partnership between NOAA, private industry, academia, and research institutes, known as the Weather Enterprise. In this workshop we will talk about what EPIC is, and how it enables a collaborative community framework to develop the UFS in support of NOAA’s mission, providing a description focusing on the UFS coastal and marine components and its importance to the next upgrade of NOAA’s Global Ensemble and Deterministic Forecast Systems, Global Ensemble Forecast System version 13 (GEFSv13) and Global Forecast System version 17 (GFSv17). The main purpose of this event is to inspire greater engagement of the ocean sciences community, as well as collect feedback and insights on scientific priorities that can further improve the UFS.

More information can be found here:
