The Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) and the Unified Forecast System (UFS) community are proud to announce the public release of the UFS Land Data Assimilation (DA) System v1.1.0. This release is an update to the inaugural public release v1.0.0 from March 2023 and reflects changes currently available at the head of the UFS land-DA_workflow development branch. In the Land DA System, the Noah-MP land surface model (LSM) and the Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI) software stack are used to assimilate snow depth data via the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter-Optimal Interpolation (LETKF-OI) algorithm. Key feature updates for this release include:
- Migration from the original land-offline_workflow and land-DA_update GitHub repositories to the ufs-community land-DA_workfow ( and land-DA ( repositories, respectively
- Replacement of fv3-bundle and ioda-bundle with jedi-bundle release/skylab-v3:
- Updated Singularity container (ubuntu20.04-intel-ue-landda-v1.1.0.img) to support the changes described above
- Updates to spack-stack and module files to support the UFS WM build